✏️ Edit this pageIt can be useful to customize emotion’s options - i.e. to add custom Stylis plugins, customize prefix of inserted class names, render style tags into specific element and more. You can look up full list of options here.
/** @jsx jsx */ import { CacheProvider, jsx, css } from '@emotion/react' import createCache from '@emotion/cache' import { prefixer } from 'stylis' const myCache = createCache({ key: 'my-prefix-key', stylisPlugins: [ customPlugin, // has to be included manually when customizing `stylisPlugins` if you want to have vendor prefixes added automatically prefixer ], }) render( <CacheProvider value={myCache}> <div css={css` display: flex; `} > <div css={css` flex: 1; transform: scale(1.1); color: hotpink; `} > Some text </div> </div> </CacheProvider> )
Module "stylis" not found